Key Strategies for Excelling in PTE Describe Image

PTE Describe Image Strategies

The ‘Describe Image’ section in the PTE (Pearson Test of English) Academic exam challenges test-takers to observe, interpret, and describe an image clearly and coherently. This task assesses one’s speaking skills, ability to organize information, and proficiency in English. Excelling in PTE Describe Image requires a blend of observation, linguistic skills, and strategic preparation. This article outlines ten key strategies to master the Describe Image task in the PTE.

1. Understand the Task Requirements

  • Clarity on Objectives: It’s crucial to understand what the Describe Image task entails. This task requires more than just a superficial description of the image; it demands a coherent, detailed, and structured explanation of what the image represents, including its key elements and possible implications or conclusions.
  • Identifying Key Aspects: Focus on identifying the type of image (graph, chart, map, process diagram, etc.), its main idea, and the significant details that stand out. This understanding guides your description, ensuring that you cover all necessary elements.
  • Implementation Advice: Familiarize yourself with different image types and what key details are typically required for each. Practice describing various images, ensuring you cover the type, main idea, and details each time.

2. Practice Time Management

  • Efficient Use of Time: Time management is critical in the Describe Image task, where you have only 40 seconds to convey your description. This time constraint demands quick thinking and concise speaking, focusing on the most relevant information.
  • Developing Quick Analysis Skills: Practice summarizing key points quickly and speaking clearly and concisely. Avoid unnecessary details or long-winded explanations that can waste valuable time.
  • Time Management Technique: Use a timer during practice sessions. Start by identifying and noting down key points in the first few seconds, then use the remaining time to elaborate on these points clearly and succinctly.

3. Develop Observational Skills

  • Quick and Accurate Observation: In the Describe Image task, the ability to quickly identify key elements and interpret them accurately is essential. This involves swiftly analyzing the image to understand what it depicts and what the most important features or trends are. This is a strategy you must adopt.
  • Enhancing Interpretation Skills: The more you practice with a variety of images, the better you become at spotting key details and interpreting them correctly. This skill is crucial for providing a comprehensive and accurate description.
  • Observational Practice: Regularly practice with different types of images. Take a moment to observe each image, noting the key elements and what they might signify. Over time, this will enhance your ability to quickly understand and interpret any image you encounter.

4. Structure Your Response

  • Organized Description: A well-structured response is easier for the listener to understand and follow. Begin with a brief introduction of the image type, proceed with a detailed description of the main points in the body, and if possible, conclude with a summary or inference.
  • Logical Flow: This structure helps in organizing your thoughts and ensures that you cover all important aspects of the image systematically. It also makes your description more coherent and impactful.
  • Structuring Technique: Practice structuring your responses. Start every description with a quick identification of the image type, followed by a detailed description and a concluding remark. Use connectors and transitional phrases to ensure a smooth flow. If you are taking the online PTE course make sure to spend enough time going through the sample responses to understand what a good structured response looks like.

5. Enhance Vocabulary

  • Appropriate and Varied Vocabulary: Using a wide range of vocabulary specific to describing images can greatly improve the quality of your description. Different types of images require different sets of vocabulary. For example, describing a graph involves terms like ‘increase’, ‘decrease’, ‘peak’, whereas a process diagram might require ‘starts with’, ‘followed by’, ‘results in’.
  • Building Vocabulary Skills: Expanding your vocabulary enables you to describe images more precisely and effectively. This not only improves the quality of your description but also demonstrates your language proficiency.
  • Vocabulary Building Methods: Engage in activities that expose you to relevant vocabulary, like reading articles on data interpretation or watching explanatory videos. Make a list of common terms used in different types of images and incorporate them into your practice.

6. Focus on Key Details

  • Identifying Significant Elements: It’s essential to focus on the most important elements of the image. Getting bogged down in minor details can lead to a cluttered and unclear description. Instead, concentrate on the aspects that are central to understanding what the image represents.
  • Balancing Detail with Conciseness: While it is important to be detailed, being concise is equally important. Strike a balance between providing enough detail to convey a clear understanding of the image and keeping your description succinct.
  • Detail Focusing Technique: Practice identifying and articulating key elements in various images. Start by quickly noting the most prominent features or trends and base your description around them. This will help you become adept at discerning and focusing on the main points.

7. Use Comparative and Descriptive Language

  • Descriptive and Comparative Expressions: The use of descriptive and comparative language can make your description more vivid and informative. Descriptive language helps in painting a clear picture of the image, while comparative language is useful in explaining graphs, charts, and trends.
  • Enhancing Descriptive Quality: Utilize adjectives, adverbs, and comparative phrases to bring clarity and depth to your description. This not only aids in a better depiction of the image but also showcases your language skills.
  • Language Practice: Incorporate phrases like “compared to,” “similar to,” “on the contrary,” and various descriptive adjectives in your practice. Use them to describe features, trends, and contrasts in the images you practice with.

8. Practice Fluency and Pronunciation

  • Fluency and Clarity in Speech: Fluent speech without excessive hesitation and clear pronunciation are vital for effectively conveying your description. Fluency ensures a smooth flow of words, while clear pronunciation aids in making your description easily understandable.
  • Improving Speaking Skills: Regular speaking practice, focusing on fluidity and pronunciation, is key. Pay attention to how you articulate words, and work on areas where you tend to hesitate or stumble.
  • Fluency Exercises: Engage in regular speaking exercises, such as describing things around you, participating in discussions, or practicing with PTE-specific materials. Record yourself to identify areas for improvement in fluency and pronunciation.

9. Incorporate Analytical Comments

  • Beyond Basic Description: Adding analytical comments to your description can provide depth to your response. This involves not just stating what is in the image but also offering insights, interpretations, or implications based on the information presented.
  • Developing Analytical Thinking: This strategy involves quickly analyzing the image to understand its broader implications or the story it tells. It adds an extra layer of sophistication to your response.
  • Analytical Commenting Technique: Practice looking at an image and thinking about what it implies or suggests. For example, if it’s a graph showing a trend, think about what this trend might mean in a real-world context. Incorporate these insights into your descriptions.

10. Seek Feedback and Reflect

  • The Importance of Feedback: Regular feedback on your practice attempts is crucial for improvement. Feedback helps in identifying areas where you may be lacking and provides insights on how to improve.
  • Reflective Practice: Along with feedback, self-reflection is important. Reflect on your descriptions and think about how you could improve them. This could be in terms of structure, content, vocabulary, fluency, or pronunciation.
  • Feedback and Reflection Methods: Use language learning platforms or engage with tutors or study groups to get feedback. Record your practice sessions and listen back to them, critically analyzing your performance. Be open to constructive criticism and use it to refine your skills.


The PTE Describe Image task is a complex one that tests various aspects of your language proficiency. By employing these ten strategies, you can develop a systematic approach to effectively describe and analyze images. Regular practice, coupled with feedback and self-reflection, will enable you to refine your skills and excel in this challenging but rewarding part of the PTE Academic exam.

This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth look at strategies for excelling in the Describe Image task of the PTE, offering practical advice and techniques for test-takers to enhance their performance in this critical section.

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