How to Handle Time Pressure in the PTE Academic Exam

PTE Time management

The PTE Academic Exam is a comprehensive assessment of your English language skills, where time management plays a crucial role. Many candidates feel the pressure of the clock ticking, which can affect performance. This article offers ten strategies to help you effectively handle time pressure in the PTE Academic Exam, ensuring that you can showcase your language abilities to the fullest.

1. Familiarize Yourself with the Test Format

Understanding the PTE Academic format is the first step in managing time effectively. Know the number of sections, types of questions, and the time allotted for each. Familiarity reduces anxiety and helps you allocate your time wisely during the exam.

2. Practice with Timed Tests

Regular practice with timed tests is essential to develop a sound PTE time management strategy. Simulating the exam conditions will help you get a feel for the pace required to complete each section. Use practice tests to build your speed and accuracy under time constraints. These PTE Mock Test packages are especially designed to help you with this.

3. Develop a Time Allocation Plan

Before the exam, develop a plan for how much time to allocate to each question type. Stick to this plan during the exam to ensure that you spend the appropriate amount of time on each task without rushing or lingering too long.

4. Improve Your Reading Speed

Enhancing your reading speed is crucial, especially for the reading section. Practice skimming and scanning techniques to quickly identify key information, allowing you to answer questions more efficiently.

5. Prioritize Tasks

In each section, quickly assess the tasks and prioritize them. Tackle the ones you find easier first to secure those points, then move on to the more challenging questions.

6. Use Keyboard Shortcuts

For the writing section, familiarize yourself with keyboard shortcuts. Being adept at typing can save precious seconds, which accumulate over the course of the exam.

7. Practice Time-Saving Techniques

Learn and practice time-saving techniques for each section. For example, in speaking, focus on concise, coherent responses rather than lengthy ones. In writing, plan your essays briefly before you start to write.

8. Stay Calm and Focused

Keeping calm under pressure is vital. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing to stay focused and prevent panic, which can waste time and hinder performance. If you have signed up for the online PTE course, just follow that with a calm mind.

9. Monitor Your Time Regularly

Make it a habit to regularly check the time during the exam, but don’t obsess over it. A quick glance after completing a task can help you stay on track without causing anxiety.

10. Have a Strategy for Unfinished Questions

If you’re running out of time, have a strategy for unanswered questions. It’s better to give a brief answer than to leave a question blank, especially in sections where there’s no negative marking.


Managing time pressure in the PTE Academic Exam requires a combination of preparation, strategy, and composure. By familiarizing yourself with the test format, practicing under timed conditions, and implementing effective time management techniques, you can alleviate the stress of time constraints. Remember, efficient time management is a skill that can be developed and refined, ultimately enabling you to perform at your best on exam day.

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